The Modern State of Israel's Natal Chart, Celebrating Her 70th Birthday!

The natal chart of the Modern State of Israel. Born on 14 May, 1948 at 4pm in Tel Aviv, on Day 20 of Sefirot HaOmer: Yesod Sh'b'Tiferet (5 Iyar 5708). 

Venus-ruled Sun in Taurus, Venus-Ruled Libra Rising, making Venus the "Chart Ruler" of the State. Venus in Cancer (home and family) in the 9th House (religion, philosophy, higher education and also rules "foreign" (exotic and/or "different") people and places). Jupiter at 27 degrees Sagittarius (the Galactic Center) in the 3rd House (communications, immediate environment, "siblings"), opposite Uranus in Gemini in the 9th House: Kibbutz Galuyot, the ingathering of the exiles from the four corners of the earth.

Neptune in Libra in the 12th House - the highest dreams and ideals (and also extremely vulnerable to the highest delusions/illusions based on untethered idealism). 

Chiron in Scorpio in the 1st House. Will always wear her wound visibly, front-and-center. 

Warmly emotional, embracing and enchanting 10th House Moon in Leo - "disproportionately famous". Pluto and Saturn conjunct in 10th House Leo: Publicly visible power struggles. Phoenix rising from the ashes to create structures, periodically destroying them just to start over again.

Mars in Leo, 11th House of community, claal, affinity groups, friendships. Everyone is a soldier defending their "group", whether they wear a uniform or not. Mars in 11th House Leo square Sun in 8th House Taurus: Struggle for power-sharing and equity between the elites and the non-elites. Venusian (peace, love, art, beauty, music, culture) shared values (8th House) in conflict with ego/status/power-motivations. 

North Node in Taurus, 7th House. Destiny is rooted in "We", not "me". 

Happy 70th Birthday, Modern State of Israel!
